
MAN Trucking App

UI/UX  -  Branding  -  Mobile

MAN trucking supplies thousands of freight drivers with some of the most luxurious and reliable trucks on the market. We created a mobile app for their drivers that would be just as useful and reliable as the trucks themselves. 

One app, for every driver.

Maintaining Excitement.

The demographics of 'truck drivers' is more diverse now than it ever has been. What used to be majorly made up of 40-60 year-old men is now pretty evenly divided into men and woman of ages ranging anywhere from 20-60 years of age.
We knew that for this app to be useful it would need to be easy to use, make the drivers' every day more streamlined, and allow for the entry of new drivers into the trucking world to be as simple and smooth as possible.


Biggest Pain Point.

The Challenge.

From our initial research, one of the most annoying things drivers had to deal with in their day-to-day were their daily vehicle checks. What used to be a number of forms and upwards of 90 inspection points would take valuable drive time out a drivers day.
We created a system based primarily on visuals that would allow a driver to perform their check in a matter of minutes and record proof of their checks each day.

Follow the brand.

With every new iteration, we worked alongside MAN's branding team to make sure we were following their brand's guidelines where we needed to and innovating where we didn't.
It was a unique relationship we developed with their team, us pushing them to allow for newer, fresher designs; and them pulling us back a bit, keeping us grounded.


In closing.

The focus from the very beginning was to create something that would be an asset to every driver no matter their experience level or where they were going. Working with this brand pushed us to create a system that is truly an asset to the drivers that will be using it. 

Still interested?

Check out the prototypes and every screen in full detail.